Moorgarth Property Management


Excellent property management is often about the things that customers don’t notice unless they are absent.  It takes a well-choreographed team to ensure a centre feels welcoming, clean and safe. To ensure issues are dealt with promptly and without fuss. But the Moorgarth team go much further.

We have a wealth of experience as a team of ex-retailers, property managers, asset managers and marketers, which means we can advise tenants on everything from store layout to driving footfall. We build strong relationships with our tenants, working collaboratively to help them get the most out of their units.

As with the other areas of our business, we’re constantly challenging ourselves to improve our offering. Whether that’s reviewing our third party suppliers, questioning how service charge is calculated or embracing appropriate new technology, we don’t rest on our laurels. We love to innovate and disrupt industry conventions if it leads to positive change.

·       Rent and service charge collection

·       Facilities management

·       Marketing and communications

·       Tenant idea sharing forums